Accountability Ministry
The Purpose of the New Members Ministry is to help members who unite with the New Bethlehem Church family to become acquainted with the history and overall ministry of the church. To encourage New Members to move beyond a "positional membership" in the universal Church of Jesus Christ to a "participating membership" in the New Bethlehem body of Christ. To encourage new members to attend orientation and new membership classes. These classes will provide support, knowledge and instruction, which will assist each new member in their walk with the Lord. The ministry will acquaint them with their responsibilities as Christians and with various ministries within the Body of Christ at New Bethlehem.


Armor Bearers Ministry
The purpose of our Armor Bearers Ministry is to help and assist the Pastor and 1st Lady with spiritual, physical and personal needs, as well as, support and pray for the Pastor and 1st Lady daily.

Audio/Video Ministry
The audio/visual ministry is responsible for setup, maintenance, coordination, and use of the church's audio and visual used during services and for other special events. The ministry's mission is to glorify God by ensuring that His Word and our praise and song to Him is seen and heard clearly and without distraction or interference within our local church as its broadcasted or distributed on media with the highest video and audio quality available.

Children’s Ministry
Members of our Children's Ministry work together to develop spirituality by training the children in the way they should walk as part of the body of Christ. Minister to every child that passes through our ministry, whether members or visitors. Reach and engage children on their level. Keep the children connected, motivated and involved in the ministry.  

Christian Education Ministry
Members of our Christian Education Ministry work with the Pastor and ministries of New Bethlehem MB Church. Member work together to plan and carry out the Christian education programs of the church.

Choirs/Praise Team
Our choir and praise team usher in the presence of the Lord through praise and worship to the Lord through the God-given gift of song. Their primary aim is touch the lives of people in such a way to bring about "real" change, encouragement and/or conversion in their lives. Ministry members are responsible for singing songs of praise; set the atmosphere for praise, worship, deliverance or whatever God wants to do.


Deaconess Ministry
Deaconess, under the spiritual guidance of the Deacons Ministry, meet the needs of New Bethlehem Church by promoting the spiritual growth in the Church. The purpose of the Deaconess Ministry is to care for and assist the needs of the overall congregation.




Decor Ministry
Our Décor Ministry is responsible for the beautification of the New Bethlehem edifice both inside and out. Ministry members design, cut and arrange unique flowers, arrangements for Sunday Services and other special church events.

Educational Assistance Ministry
The Educational Assistance Ministry offers support financially, emotionally and spiritually to students of New Bethlehem Church who attend college. They also aid NBC High School seniors in their transition into college.


Greeters receive those persons attending our church worship as invited or uninvited guest hospitably and cordially, remembering that the first impression is oftentimes a lasting impression.

Love and Care Ministry

Members of the Love and Care Ministry provide supplementary support to the Pastor and his family spiritually, financially and emotionally.  To lead the congregation in fulfilling the Biblical responsibilities of providing for the Pastor and to aid him that he may faithfully and effectively fulfill his pastoral responsibilities. To ensure there is no lack for the pastor or his spouse and children. This may include providing the pastor and his family with lodging, transportation and meals, money or care package when he is away from home.

Marriage Ministry
The goal of the Married Couples Ministry is to strengthen marriages through Biblical principles, increase the understanding of the husband and wife role in God's order, and explain the role of the family within the church. The ministry provides marriage enrichment classes, as well as, sponsor fellowship activities to help build relationships between couples. The Marriage Ministry is here to meet the concerns of both partners while strengthening and stabilizing marriages. We enable couples to go the distance to fulfill God's purpose for their lives, and help build Godly marriages by providing tools for improving communication and pursuing intimacy in marriage.

Media Ministry
The purpose of the Media Ministry is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as worship and outreach tools.


Men's Ministry
Members of the Men's Ministry serve the church by leading in spirituality and presence. Members encourage men in New Bethlehem church to serve God with their whole heart. Their mission is to develop men, young men and boys to be good fathers, grandfathers, sons, brothers and uncles. The Men's Ministry's aim is to meet the needs of men of the church and providing leadership to the New Bethlehem ministry as a whole.


Mission Ministry
Our Mission Ministry focuses on community outreach and ministry through the visitations of nursing homes, members who are too sick to come to church, orphanages, jails or women's shelters to spread the message of Christ and to lend a caring hand to the disadvantaged. They are also responsible for reaching out to the church and community youth to provide guidance and love.

Mothers Ministry
The Mother's Ministry serve primarily as supportive caretakers for the Pastor, young congregants, and church families. Members assist the Pastor with various tasks, including ministering to the church's young congregants and by providing representation during church activities. Church Mothers also pray for the Pastor and communicates with the church deacons to ensure that Pastor has what is needed for ministry. If problems arise within or among the congregation, a Church Mother brings those problems to the Pastor's attention. Members of the Mother's Ministry set an example for younger congregants (especially women) in the church. Church Mothers also refrain from gossiping and idleness and they inspire all members of the church to attain Christ-like characteristics and actions in all circumstances.


Nurses Ministry
The Nurses Ministry provides pastoral care during pre-service, worship service and restorative care after the message has been brought forth. Members also provide aid to persons undergoing certain temporary physical complications during church services.

Praise Dance Ministry
The Praise Dance Ministry's function in the church is to praise and worship the Lord through the God-given gift of dance. They aim to touch the lives of people in such a way to bring about "real" change, encouragement and/or conversion in their lives. Responsible for using rhythmical movement of the limbs, accompanied to sacred music, as an expression of public worship; set the atmosphere for praise, worship, deliverance or whatever God wants to do.

Pre-Past Ministry
The Pre-Past Ministry is designed to serve the bereaved family members of New Bethlehem Church in the preparation and service of the Re-Past breakfast.


Singles Ministry
The Single’s Ministry exists to impact the single adults of our church by transforming them into fully devoted followers of Christ. To develop a group of (Sanctified, Talented, Anointed and Righteous Single) believers who are totally committed to God and His Word, living an overcoming and victorious life in Jesus Christ. To let each single know their purpose in God, know the importance of intimacy with God. The Singles Ministry is a ministry dedicated to the development of maturity, character, integrity, and stability in the lives of single individuals at New Bethlehem. The aim is to assist the Singles of NBC in learning how to seek God first! We stress HOLINESS as a lifestyle before God and man, and WHOLENESS as a MUST for a victorious life in Christ. To assure that there is JOY in being single and that one can live a righteous life in a world such as this. Provide brotherly and sisterly social activity, encouragement, mentoring and internal support groups. To ignite passionate and purpose through training, equipping and empowering singles for deployment in our local ministry. To open the door of friendship within the body of Christ; to minister to the needs of singles through: biblical teachings, Christian films, seminars, retreats, discussions and other activities. Most importantly to be conformed to the image of Christ.

Security Ministry
The Security Ministry help to provide a safe and peaceful environment for the congregation during worship or church wide events. Their aim is to maintain order in the house of God in love and compassion, while displaying the attitude of Christ by being focused and alert at all times.


Senior Ministry
Our Senior Ministry members render spiritual guidance by sharing wisdom. Become acquainted with peers, grow stronger spiritually and reach out to others throughout the church and community.

Sunday School Ministry
Members of our Sunday School provide Christian Bible based lessons so that un-believers can come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. This ministry provides Christian Bible based lessons so that believers can grow in faith in a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment. Provide lessons where all may experience the love of God and be spiritually nurtured and have an understanding of, and respect for, the faith and inclusive values of the church.


Transportation Ministry
Provide transportation for all members to and from church services bible studies and outings. To the members who unfortunately do not have any means of transportation of their own. It is a service rendered for God and a blessing to those who it is rendered.

Women's Ministry
Member of the Women's Ministry serve the church by developing, coordinating and administering an effective and comprehensive ministry to meet the diverse needs of women of the church and to provide leadership to and supervision of staff members and volunteers involved in this ministry.


Usher Ministry
Member of the Usher Ministry will welcome visitors, members and friends into the House of God with a Godly and friendly attitude. They commit to serve God and the congregation with excellence and serve with honor and integrity. Our Ushers recognize that they are a reflection of the Spirit of the Pastor and the heart of God. The Usher Ministry plays a major role in ensuring that people see and experience God’s love.

Youth Ministry
Members of our Youth Ministry train the youth in the way they should walk as part of the body of Christ. Minister to every youth that passes through our ministry, whether members or visitors. Reach and engage youth on their level. Keep the youth connected, motivated and involved in the ministry.